Chakra Class

Improve Your Sense of Well-Being With Chakra Lessons in Chesterton, IN

Nourish Your Mind, Body and Spirit With Yoga

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Come join me for my Chakra Balancing Class every Friday mornings at 8:00 AM at Essential Wave Studios, 101 S. 2nd St. Chesterton, IN.

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Chakra Classes

Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means "wheel of energy" We all have these subtle energies spinning around our bodies at all times. Having a balanced Chakra system will improve your sense of well being. Your chakras can get stuck or slow down and become out of balance due to diet, lack of exercise, stress, toxins and hormonal imbalances. In 

my chakra balancing class, we will work on restoring each chakra through specific asanas, crystals, essential oils, mantras, mudras, breathing and mediation specific to that chakra.

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New Chakras Every Week

Diana gives chakra balancing classes at Essential Wave Studios in Chesterton, IN. They’re something special, unique from other chakra classes you may have attended in the area. How? For example, sessions incorporate mudras, mantras crystals and essential oils for each chakra.

Curious? Call (219) 728-1647 to book a spot in my weekly chakra balancing class at Essential Wave Studios.

Call Essential Wave Studios at (219) 728-1648 to book a spot in my weekly chakra class.

Book a session →
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